Mga Gawain sa TUP CAFA-FAD

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Syllabus of Animation

Time:3 hours
Allotment:18 meetings/54 total hours
Film animation applies techniques of cinematography to the graphics and plastic arts in order to give the illustrations and movement to cartoons, drawings, paintings, puppet and three-dimensional objects. Evaluation by the student using feedback answering form Evaluation by the department head in the college.
General Objective:
The role of the team is to collectively create drawings for feature length films. Such collectively activity actually involves divisions of labor for background, inking, in betweens, tracing and painting and others.
Therefore the course subject aims to produce students who will:
1. Brainstorming to produce ideas for a full length film,
2. Create a story board showing the development of the idea, and
3. Work as a group on the picture and sound production including editing aspects of the film.
Course Requirements
The above objectives are achievable only through active participation in three activities:
1. Individual exercise involving creation of film characters
2. Group exercise:
2.1Story formulation
2.2 Storyboard making
2.3 Animation work including in between activity:
2.3.1 Design animation
2.3.2 Tracing and painting
2.3.3 Back grounding
2.3.4 Camera work
Course Topics / Outline
Animation processes undergo several stages starting with the big IDEA and culminates with the finished film. Animators, thus needs to be brief on the necessary topics like:
1. The History of Animation
1.1 Many advances were made in Europe: Reiniger employed mobile silhouettes:
Oskar Fisehinger and Len Lye experimented with abstract design choreographed
to music; and George Pal of Holland created techniques of puppet animation.
1.2 Point-of-purchase support
1.3 Mechanical art preparation
1.3.1 Graphic design
1.3.2 Structural design Methodology
The activity of the course subject is to combine:
1. Lectures and open forums
2. Conceptualization exercises
3. Design consultancies and
4. Comprehensive presentations
Grading System and criteria
• Attendance
• Attitude
• Project requirements PR (50%) and Written requirements WR (50%)
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