Mga Gawain sa TUP CAFA-FAD

Sunday, July 04, 2010

Animation Activities SY2010

Subject: Animation
Ferdinand R. Doctolero
1st Sem. 2010-11

Requirements and Criteria for Grading System:
• Attendance
• Attitude
• Project requirements PR (50%) and Written requirements WR (50%)

PR: Solo
1. Character design, and development on bond paper for studies and final on 1/8 illustration board
2. Flip books (100 pages) (2 characters)
3. Photographs of Animation - Phenakistoscope disc
1. Information and Description of Personality of your character design (2)
2. Research the History of Animation
3. Reaction paper on recent animation film

Submission: TBA
PR: Group
1. Line drawing (Traditional) 2D, with character script or story line board and description. 20-60 secs.24 frame/sec
2. Interview with an animator
3. 3D MTVA
1. Interview with an animator (group)
2. Process of Animation (solo)
3. or credits for resource person (class) Tultok Animation Seminar, August 2, 1-5pm
Submission: TBA

PR: Group
1. 2D can also be computerized WR: .
1. Research on Linear Editing

Submission: TBA

Distribution of Class Cards:
All complete requirements, October 14