SYLLABUS Animation
School Year 2011-12 1st Semester
Units: 3
Time: 3 hours
Allotment: 18 meetings/54 total hours
Film animation applies techniques of cinematography to the graphics and plastic arts in order to give the illustrations and movement to cartoons, drawings, paintings, puppet and three-dimensional objects. Evaluation by the student using feedback answering form and evaluation by the department head in the college.
General Objective:
The role of the team is to collectively create drawings for feature length films. Such collectively activity actually involves divisions of labor for background, inking, in bet-weens, tracing and painting and others.
Therefore the course subject aims to produce students who will:
1. Brainstorming to produce ideas for a full-length film,
2. Create a story board showing the development of the idea, and
3. Work as a group on the picture and sound production including editing aspects of the film.
Course Requirements
The above objectives are achievable only through active participation in three activities:
1. Individual exercise involving creation of film characters
2. Group exercise:
2.1Story formulation
2.2 Storyboard making
2.3 Animation work including in between activity:
2.3.1 Design animation
2.3.2 Tracing and painting
2.3.3 Back grounding
2.3.4 Camera work
Course Topics / Outline
Animation processes undergo several stages starting with the big IDEA and culminates with the finished film. Animators, thus needs to be brief on the necessary topics like:
1. The History of Animation
1.1 Many advances were made in Europe: Reiniger employed mobile silhouettes:
Oskar Fisehinger and Len Lye experimented with abstract design choreographed
to music; and George Pal of Holland created techniques of puppet animation.
1.2 Point-of-purchase support
1.3 Mechanical art preparation
1.3.1 Graphic design
1.3.2 Structural design Methodology
The activity of the course subject is to combine:
1. Lectures and open forums
2. Conceptualization exercises
3. Design consultancies and
4. Comprehensive presentations
Grading System and criteria:
• Attendance
• Attitude
• Project requirements PR (50%) and Written requirements WR (50%)
Books, magazines and WWW
Detail Requirements
PR: Solo
1. Character design, and development on bond paper for studies and final on 1/8 illustration board
2. Flip books (100 pages) (2 characters)
3. Photographs of Animation - Phenakistoscope disc
1. Information and Description of Personality of your character design (2)
2. Research the History of Animation
3. Reaction paper on recent animation film or movies
Submission: July 18, 2011
PR: Group (5-6 Persons)
1. Line drawing (Traditional) 2D, with character script or story line board and description. 20-60 secs.24 frame/sec
Theme: Music MTV
1. Interview with an animator (group) or credits for resource person (class) Animation Forum
2. Process of Animation (solo)
Submission: August 29, 2011
PR: Group (5-6 Persons)
1. 3D and Experimental animation using objects, or any mixed medium and can be edited at computer
Theme: Advertising
1. Research on Linear Editing
Submission: October 3, 2011
Distributions of class cards: October 10, 2011
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