Mga Gawain sa TUP CAFA-FAD

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Typography 2 Syllabus and Activities

Class Schedule: (A) 12-3pm Thursday / (B) 8-11am Friday
Section: BFA 1 A/B
Room: CAFA Rm. 110

Typography SY 2010-11 2nd Semester
Units: 3
Time: 3 hours
Allotment: 18 meetings/54 total hours

Course Description
Main emphasis is on setting priorities for typographic elements, designing typefaces and use of grids to develop publications of ascending complexity from one-page, single- color format through multi-folio, multicolor books and magazines. These are considered from concept development through pre-press preparation.
Co-requisite subject Typography 2
Course Objectives
At the end of the semester the student is expected to:
1. Develop skill in lay outing types for various publications.
2. Enhance the sensitivity the right typeface relative to the kind of publication in which he/she is at work.
3. To be able to make a comprehensive artwork for either brochure or newspaper.
4. Understand the importance of typography and how it works in any printed communications material.
5. Understand the advancement of computer typography and it’s effects to the trade.
6. Develop ability in art direction for types.

Learning Contents and Activities
1. Recollection of past lessons in typography
2. Structuring
3. Measurement of types
4. Typesetting
5. Specifying types
6. Enlivening text
7. Display typography
8. Desktop typography
9. Development of brochures, newspapers and magazines

1. Lecture and discussions
2. Research, reaction and written examination
3. Plate, project and excises production

Grading System
Exercises and Project Req. 65%
Written Req. 35%
Attendance and Attitude 10%
Total 100%

Reference and Texts
Books and other printed materials
WWW and Internet

Portfolio case:
Construct Portfolio Case using hard board 15"x 20" and min. 1/2" thickness

Prelim Activities
P#1 Duo Colors on Typography: Card
Use 12" x 18" sketch pad and poster (2 colors)
Problem: How to create card using typography on 2 colors
Theme: Christmas Motif

P#2 Colors and Word/s to Express: Card
Use 12" x 18" sketch pad and poster (3 colors)
Problem: How to create card using typography on 3 colors
Theme: Love and Care

P#3 Spaces and Visual Hierarchy: Signage
Use 18" x 24" appropriate paper and any medium (4 colors)
Problem: How to create wallpaper typography 
Theme: New Year’s Motif

P#4 P#4 Typography to Interpret Music
Use 24" x 24" or 20" x 20" appropriate paper and any medium (full colors)
Theme: Tagalog Songs
1. Your favorite song (no restrictions)
2. Use typography as a main element on the layout, also you can use another languages and photography or illustration.
3. Square workspace

WR#1 Discuss "Advance Typography" using Blue Book on the following area:
1.1 Fonts
1.2 Typefaces; styles and names
1.3 Considerations in choosing typefaces
2. Structuring
2.1 type alignment
2.2 dividing text
2.3 type layouts
3. Measurement of types
3.1 point and picas
3.2 type size
4. Typesetting
4.1 leading
4.2 set, units and ems
4.3 word spacing and letter spacing
4.4 kerning
4.5 copy casting
5. Specifying types
5.1 copy preparations and marking
5.2 marking up proof and fine-tuning type
6. Enlivening text
6.1 creating emphasis
6.2 initial letter accentuation
6.3 associating types with illustrations photograph and color
Due Dec.A16/B17

Midterm Activities
P#5 Legibility and Message Typography: PLDT Cover
Use appropriate ground and poster colors (3 colors)
Same size of the directory
Theme: PLDT theme
P#6 Legibility and Color Combination: Magazine
Use sketch pad and poster colors (full colors)
Same size of the magazine
Theme: Art Magazine
P#7 Legibility and Electronic Typography: News Letter
Same size of the Newsletter and computer print (2 colors)
Theme: Campus News
Written Requirement - write all the about the computer software and type specification