Photography 1 Finals
Meeting 13-18 Due Mar. 20 Portfolio
Written requirements - Research on Outdoor Phototography
and reaction paper on digital photography exhibit or any related literature.
Outdoor Photography Projects – 3) Film Color Outdoor Photograpy 4) Digital Color Outdoor Photograpy
(Scape, Human Interest etc.)
-Use any traditional camera with film on 5 and Digital on 6
-Do contact print for the 2 projects (18 shoots each) and print 8" x 10 " on selected shoot on 5 and 6
Schedule of Meeting:
13 Introduction
14 Preparation of materials and production
15-16 Shooting on the project 3 & 4
17 Printing
18 Submission and Presentation Mar. 20, 2008
Distribution of Class Cards on Mar. 25