Mga Gawain sa TUP CAFA-FAD

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Anatomy1 Activities

Prelim Exercises

Meeting 1 Introduction
Meeting 2 Orientation Figure Drawing Exercise # 1 A) imagination B) copy
Meeting 3 Parts of Head Drawing Exercise # 2
Meeting 4 Ages of Female Head Drawing Exercise # 3
Meeting 5 Ages of Male Head Drawing Exercise # 4
Meeting 6 Skeleton and Muscular Head Drawing Exercise # 5

Illustration1 Activities

Prelim Projects

Written # 1 Individual Reaction Paper on wed site of Illustrador ng Kabataan
and Group Interview (3 persons) of Illustrator.

Project # 1 A) Portrait Illustration
Write description of your self.
5 comprehensive each on pencil.
Select 1 on comprehensive of pencil and do final artwork on
1/8 Illustration board.

Project # 1 B) Portrait Illustration
5 compres each on pen/ink.
Select 1 on compre do final artwork on
1/8 Illustration board.

Project # 2 Editorial Illustration: Newspaper Cartoons
Cut-out news clipping on different national issues.
3 comprehensive each on brush/ink.
Select 1 on comprehensive do final artwork on
1/8 Illustration board with line art and continuous tone.

Project # 3 Editorial Illustration: Strip Cartoons
Do clipping of strip cartoons.
Theme: Student Life
3 comprehensive each on brush/ink
Select 1 on comprehensive do final artwork on
1/8 Illustration board using achromatic colors

Due: comprehensive on 3rd meeting
Due: final project and written works on 6th meeting

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Fine Arts Schedule

Illustration 1 BFA2B 8-11am

Design Workshop 1 BFA3 1-4pm

Anatomy 1 BFA1A 8-11am

Animation BFA3 8-11am
Professional Practice and Ethics BFA4 12-3pm

Illustration 1 BFA2A 9-12pm